Friday, November 14, 2008

Morning Madness

Some of my Morning Madnesss are when i have to get up and take care of my sister's and brother. Every Morning because my mother works to much, we as kids hardly ever see her. Thats why i try my best to stay in school, find a job, and feed my sibling. Plus another Morning Madness is political which This country went too far left in too little time. Cultural attitudes have changed so much in the last 50 years that a backlash was just waiting to happen. Welcome to it. Now might be the time to use a little tact providing the political climate we now find ourselves in. Maybe gay marriage and such progressive ideas aren’t the best thing to be shoving down people’s throats at this particular moment. Stay Democrat, stay liberal, maybe just use your better judgement. This obviuosly is no longer the 1960’s.