Friday, January 30, 2009

d0 y0u tHiNk ThIs Is L0v3?

If s0m30n3 t3ll y0u th3y in l0v3 with y0u. And y0u say h0w d0 y0u kn0w. Th3y say b3caus3 i will di3 f0r y0u, kill f0r y0u, and giv3 bl00d f0r y0u. Y0u always th3r3 wh3n i n33d y0u. Y0u ar3 th3 first thing i think ab0ut as s00n as i g3t up in the m0rning. I list3n t0 y0 ring t0n3 (0n3 wish) all day. B3caus3 y0u ar3 my 0n3 wish. With0ut y0u my lif3 is inc0mpl3t3 it has n0 p0int. Y0u mak3 m3 wh0l3. Wh3n y0u mak3 m3 mad i think 0f s0m3thing g00d y0u did t0 f0rgiv3 y0u. Y0u th3 0nly p3rs0n i can r3ally say th3m w0rds t0 with0ut lying 0r think ab0ut lying. Thats h0w i kn0w. D0 y0u think thats tru3 l0v3?